Calderdale's cabinet approves the draft local plan
Calderdale's cabinet approves the draft local plan
The public consultation into Calderdale's draft local plan commences during the summer holiday period
The public consultation into Calderdale's draft local plan closes
Calderdale submits the Local Plan and Appendix to the government.
No further evidence should be submitted unless requested by Inspector
Plan: 244 pages
Appendix: 186 pages
Calderdale: 430
Comments: 2747
Government-appointed Planning Inspector, Miss Katie Childs, writes to Calderdale setting out first Matters, Issues and Questions (MIQ's) 1-6 for the Stage One hearings
Inspector: 8
Calderdale responds in writing to the Planning Inspector.
The 81 pages generate 544 comments from participants (138 pages).
Calderdale: 81
Respondents: 138
Comments: 544
The Stage One hearings are held over 5 days at Shelf Village Hall.
The Inspector raises an issue with Calderdale's housing and economic amibtions and requests a consultation on changes
Calderdale responds in writing to the Planning Inspector.
The 81 pages generate 534 comments from participants (138 pages).
Calderdale: 40
Comments: 2232
Government-appointed Planning Inspector, Miss Katie Childs, writes to Calderdale setting out first Matters, Issues and Questions (MIQ's) 1-6 for the Stage One hearings
Inspector: 59
Calderdale responds in writing to the Planning Inspector.
The 891 pages generate 544 comments from participants (138 pages).
Calderdale: 891
Respondents: 927
Comments: 2681
The Stage Two hearings were held online
Calderdale Council releases a further batch of documents in response to questions from the Inspector. The documents are referenced 'CC'.
Calderdale: 2762
Respondents: 4297
Comments: 691
Regulation 19 submission is the plan Calderdale submits for examination – at this point no further evidence should be produced
Calderdale Local Plan submitted to the government in January 2019
430 pages
Pages subsequently presented by Calderdale to either justify their decision or provide new evidence
3774 pages
The Office for National Statistics (ONS) estimates poulation changes for UK, England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.
The ONS estimates Calderdale’s population will increase by around 5,000 citizens over the plan period.
Calderdale’s plan for housing growth has changed over the local plan period.
The original idea was for most development to take place in Halifax area, however as you can see from the chart, this has now shifted to Brighouse.
Under Calderdale Council’s draft Local Plan, nearly half Calderdale’s growth is focused on Brighouse.
Brighouse allocations are categorised as strategic extensions (garden suburbs) and other Brighouse allocations.
Benchmark land value (BLV) is a critical component of the viability assessment. The BLV provides the baseline against which the viability of a particular scheme/site is tested.
To ensure viability, the costs of any requirements likely to be applied to
development, such as requirements for affordable housing, standards, infrastructure contributions or other requirements should, when taking account of the normal cost of development and mitigation, provide competitive returns to a willing land owner and willing developer to enable the development to be deliverable
Average timescale for strategic local plan adoption (days), from plan submisison to the Planning Inspectorate through to being found sound and then adopted.
Calderdale Council decided to focus all the significant growth in South East Calderdale. With major developments already underway in neighbouring Kirklees. Find out more about Calderdale's plans at their website
If it is permitted, Thornhills Lane garden suburb will be one of the largest developments in Calderdale. We believe the development used flawed data in the justification for the proposal, find out on our wepage