
Again, we are grateful for support and advice from both Clifton Neighbourhood Forum and Woodhouse Residents’ Association in compiling this work.

DISCLAIMER: This information is for general use in responding to the current council consultation; you should consult specialist independent professional advice if you need to rely on the outcome of the consultation. cliftonvillage.org.uk cannot be held responsible for any issues or consequential loss from using this information

Consultation responses

Garden Suburbs Supplementary Planning Documents

Each garden suburb has two documents as part of this consultation.

  • A site-specific masterplan that considers development guidelines, phasing and delivery.
  • A design code for each site, setting out building and landscape style

This webpage is divided into five parts

  1. An introduction to this consultation and background on SPDs
  2. Thornhills Masterplan
  3. Thornhills Design Code
  4. Woodhouse Masterplan
  5. Woodhouse Design Code

1 - An introduction to this consultation and SPD background

What is an SPD?

A Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) supports the Local Plan. AN SPD could inform designers, architects and developers when proposing sites and applications. The SPD is used by the Council when considering planning applications

Why respond?

The SPD contains a level of detail beyond the Local Plan, but is does build on the Local Plan (or at least it should). The SPDs for the two Brighouse Strategic Sites depart from evidence presented to the Inspector. It is important you consider the information in all the documents and respond – this could be the last chance to make your views count!

What about the Legal Action?

The Legal Action continues, until we know the outcome from the High Court you should assume Calderdale will continue to press ahead with their plans, even if this means their work is invalid.

Council's explanation to Cabinet

We’ve added the document produced by Calderdale and discussed at Cabinet when agreeing to this consultation here.

Consultation - general questions

2 - Thornhills Masterplanning SPD

3 - Thornhills Design Code SPD

4 - Woodhouse Masterplan SPD

5 - Woodhouse Design Code

Change log

18/09/23 – Page published