Guidance from community planning groups and passionate individuals across Calderdale, brought together by CPRE West Yorkshire, have spent time thinking about how communities and individuals can respond to Calderdale Council’s current main modification consultation.
It is clear from some recent social media posts that the process is confusing, with over 1,200 pages of primary content in the current consultation; that’s understanding!
Considering the sheer scale of work involved, it’s impossible to cover every page, change and implication and so the group focused on the main changes. We should point out that as we’re all volunteers, this has been a large job to get the information collated, reviewed and published.
The webpage is intended to help non-professional participants make general responses to some of the main points in a rather technical process. The information is supplied in good faith, but and the authors cannot be held responsible or liable for any errors or omissions.
If you’re looking for general help, the webpage should provide some ideas on where to start (and links to further information); you should seek independent professional advice rather than rely on the information on this website if you are making anything other than a general response to the consultation.
It would also appear the purpose of this consultation has confused some of our elected councillors; the purpose of the main modifications consultation is to make the current plan capable of being sound and legally compliant. It’s not about spelling mistakes or errors; that’s the minor modifications consultation!
The consultation closes at 5 pm on Friday 7th October.