Our friends at the Clifton Village Neighbourhood Forum issued the following update

“Calderdale Council recently announced a submission of futher information on their environmental statement for outline planning application for the Clifton Business Park.

The environmental statement is a key part of any planning application and these amendments may be in light of earlier submissions.

Your forum is concerned by the proposals to devleop the site as a business park, we believe there are better uses for the land and we have already made representations to the Council.

What happens next? The consultation period will close on 01/12/19, it is likely the Council will apply (to themselves) for outline planning permission shortly after this date.

Click here to see all the documents in the planning application.

Your forum will continue to monitor the situation, at this point there are unanswered concerns about the whole viability of the scheme and we look forward to Calderdale Council and West Yorkshire Combined Authority answering these issues.”