Clifton Village Neighbourhood Forum submits detailed responses to Calderdale Council’s local plan modifications and calls on Planning Inspector to hold fresh hearings into garden suburbs viability, transport and free school funding failure.
The Clifton Village Neighbourhood Forum (CVNF) is working for a sustainable and deliverable plan for Clifton and continues actively participating in the local plan process.
To help shape our views for the future of Clifton Village, we engaged professional planning, infrastructure and traffic consultants. The CVNF has submitted responses (with detailed evidence) to substantiate our position throughout the local plan hearing process.
We have long-standing and well-documented concerns about the transport situation. The new evidence around the A641 funding shortfall and the failure to secure free school funding in Brighouse casts further doubt on the local plan.
We now call on the Planning Inspector to conduct new hearings into the viability of Garden Suburbs, the transport evidence and the recent evidence around funding shortfalls.