Educated at Rastrick GS. Member of scouts. St Chad’s tennis club and Brighouse ATC.
Worked in father’s wireworks.
Enlisted 1941. Trained as wireless operator/navigator in S Africa. 464 Sqn RAAF.
Killed when Mosquito (MM423) was shot down by flak near Falaise, France.
Memorial bed in Holtzmann Ward, Bradford ENT Hospital.
Aircraft damage: Written off (damaged beyond repair)
Location: Menil-Hubert-sur-Orne, 100km south of Caen. – France
Phase: En route
Nature: Military
Departure airport: RAF Thorney Island, Hampshire
At 02:40 hrs on the night of 7/8thAugust 1944, being part of a squadron force of 14 aircraft detailed to carry out night intruder operations and strike road and rail junctions in support of the Army in Northern France. Mosquito MM423 failed to return from the mission.